How A Leading Market Research Startup Leveraged Advanced Analytics To Improve Market Research Outcomes


A frontrunner in global port management and operations, renowned for their emphasis on innovation and efficiency, faced a significant challenge. This powerhouse in the maritime sector had carved a niche for itself through years of dedicated service and cutting-edge infrastructure. However, in an age of rapid digital transformation, even the giants need to adapt. They operated three business-critical applications developed on a Less Code Platform. As the digital landscape evolved, so did their ambitions. With aspirations for an enhanced user experience, innovative features, and a tight timeline, they were at a crossroads. Balancing the weight of legacy systems with the promise of modernization was no easy feat. That's where 9series entered the frame.


This leading port management firm was racing against time. They sought to revamp and improve their existing apps, but the complexity of the project made it seem unachievable within the desired timeframe. Their challenges comprised:

  • Redesigning and enhancing three vital applications within tight deadlines.

  • Overhauling the user experience.

  • Migrating extensive data without loss or corruption.

  • Ensuring consistency and functionality of the applications post-migration.


The Solution

9series employed a unique approach to address the firm's needs:

Hybrid Model with LLMs

Hybrid Model with LLMs

After an in-depth analysis of the firm's requirements, 9series designed a hybrid solution. They adeptly employed public LLMs for general tasks and switched to private LLMs for sensitive and critical business functions. Their expertise in LLM deployment ensured optimized outcomes tailored to the firm's unique challenges.

Source Code Innovation

Source Code Innovation

9series integrated its vast repository of innovative source codes to build a robust foundation. This approach accelerated the development process without compromising on quality or functionality.

AI-driven Data Migration

AI-driven Data Migration

Leveraging their prowess in AI, 9series developed specialized data migration models. These models not only facilitated a smooth data transition but also detected and corrected data inconsistencies and constraint violations. This ensured the new database was not just a replica but an enhanced version of the old, free from legacy issues.

Scalable Architecture Design

Scalable Architecture Design

Recognizing the ever-expanding nature of global port operations, 9series implemented a scalable architecture. This not only ensured smooth operations for the current user base but also laid the groundwork for accommodating future growth, ensuring that the system wouldn't face bottlenecks as the firm expanded.

Advanced User Experience (UX) and Interface (UI) Design

Advanced User Experience (UX) and Interface (UI) Design

By utilizing cutting-edge design principles and closely understanding the needs of the end-users, 9series delivered a UI/UX that was intuitive, modern, and highly responsive. The new interface not only improved the system's aesthetic appeal but also made it more user-friendly, facilitating quicker task completions and enhanced user satisfaction.

team discuss

The Results

The collaboration between the port management firm and 9series was highly successful. Key achievements include:

Timely Implementation

Timely Implementation

9series ensured that project delivery, data migration, and system go-live happened right on schedule, ensuring business continuity and safeguarding operational efficiency.

Efficient Project Management

Efficient Project Management

With 9series' innovative approach, there was a 60% reduction in overall project time compared to the traditional method. This swift turnaround not only saved time but also reduced resource allocation, leading to significant cost savings.

Calendar Time Savings

Calendar Time Savings

The collaboration achieved a 25% calendar time saving, allowing Global Port Solutions to allocate resources to other crucial business operations sooner than anticipated.

Enhanced Software Quality

Enhanced Software Quality

The project saw a 35% reduction in the bug ratio, leading to smoother operations, reduced post-launch fixes, and higher user satisfaction.

Streamlined User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Streamlined User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

There was a notable 30% reduction in UAT feedback, implying a better-quality product. Furthermore, the duration of the UAT phase was halved, accelerating the project timeline.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

Achieving an NPS of over 85% is commendable. It indicates that the stakeholders were not just satisfied but were enthusiastic promoters of the project's outcome.


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